Konsep Persian Cat VS Siamese Cat, Video Striped Siamese Cat paling seru!
Konsep Persian Cat VS Siamese Cat, Video Striped Siamese Cat Paling Seru!
Persian Cat VS Siamese Cat Durasi : 02:57
source :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JIzGP9OrT4
Persian Cat VS Siamese Cat Durasi : 02:57
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Konsep Persian Cat VS Siamese Cat, Video Striped Siamese Cat paling seru! Burmese cat Wikipedia The Ocicat 1964 and was derived from crossing Siamese with Abyssinian cats to create a ticked point Siamese The ocelot like spotted cat was an attractive surprise result The Spotted Mist 1976 arose originally from a Burmese Abyssinian mating and again the creation of a spotted variety was accidental What Does a Lynx Point Siamese Cat Look Like What Is a Lynx Point Siamese Cat Lynx Point Siamese Cats Siamese and Tabby Lynx point Siamese cats Or Tabby Points as they are called in the UK get their distinctive look from crosses between Siamese and tabbies Breeding began in the 1940s but did not become serious until 20 years later Snow Tiger Lynx Siamese Balinese Description History The Burmese cat Burmese Thai or RTGS Thongdaeng or Supphalak meaning copper colour is a breed of domestic cat originating in Thailand believed to have its roots near the present Thai Burma border and developed in the United States and Britain Most modern Burmese are descendants of one female cat What Is a Lynx Point Siamese Cat Siamese Cat Spot What Is a Lynx Point Siamese Cat Lynx Point Siamese Cats Siamese and Tabby Lynx point Siamese cats Or Tabby Points as they are called in the UK get their distinctive look from crosses between Siamese and tabbies Breeding began in the 1940s but did not become serious until 20 years later Sumber : www.youtube.com
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